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Moulders dosing machines

Moulders dosing machines

The innovating DOSIMATIC range of dosing machines is composed of combining systems for making open and/or close cheese types: soft, semi-hard and hard consistency using the same machine. FIBOSA equipment saves the space and processing time, at the same time increase flexibility and production capacity and also achieve optimum homogeneity of the final product. DOSIMATIC machine consists of three main independent modules for the different phases of processing, moulding and dosing. The upper curd distribution module includes filtering and mixing mechanisms for the draining process. The intermediate module/cassette combines a set of exclusive-design micro-perforated columns and independent whey levels that provide a necessary drainage level and pre-pressing adapted to every product type. The lower module consists of reinforced and easily replaced moulders, automatically adjusts for the different heights cheese production and with a set of high-precision cutting blades. FIBOSA dosing machines include conveyor belt set, control and regulation of parameters by PLC and touch screen which adapts to CIP cleaning system. Optional accessories include a cabinet for the washing columns and accessories, column extraction lift and an access platform.
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